The utmost sustainable factor for weight loss and outer transformation is inner change. Altering the body renovates mind, heart, and well-being. A weight loss journey waves the winds of change, implementing an unfolding destiny. Establishing the intended “right” path suddenly breathes itself into being, hidden initially beneath the weight, insecurities, and uncertainties. Who we are reveals itself with immediate intention, concrete dimension, and required actions. Hence, the greatest incentive for change is becoming our authentic selves, living our life purpose, and following a path with our best selves at the helm.

Many grapple with discovering life’s path and purpose, unclear of the road ahead. Swishing and swashing hesitantly, fearfully, and unknowingly through the muck of wrong direction leading to dead ends. Exploration and delving through trenches, we travel through detours, educated from the struggles, yet not quite reaching our goals. These puzzle, confuse, and foil the masses, most of us with wheels spinning, awaiting clarity. Obstacles, excuses, and reasons not to follow innate passion swirl repeatedly like a dog chasing its tail, preventing new direction to life’s intended path.

Uncovering the layers physically like peeling an onion, expose the core, its agenda, and the authentic self. With life purpose revealing destiny, nakedly aware of the journey ahead, certainty, love, and gratitude replace indecision, fear, and forsaking internal gifts intended to enhance the world. As forgiveness unleashes and relinquishes demons and exterior cushion, embracing our God-given gifts, we soar with a freedom unfelt, unrealized, and unreachable until now. Filled by purpose, love, and direction, wholeness replaces emptiness.

Finding ourselves within the void, the worthlessness, and missing pieces, we no longer need a guard, mask, or numbing agents as food, fat, or sugar. Without the layers of excess poundage and need for protection, we lighten externally and internally, flying like an eagle, soaring free, finding our calling, and reach for a limitless sky. Motivation for transformation is discovering the SELF within, inner truth heard, authenticity exposed, and old wounds healed.

Filling the void, eliminating external protection is one healing process for living life with meaning. Without uncovering the core, the inside finds incentive to remain hidden, unrevealed, and continues to search for purpose, unknowingly filling a void with food and painful alternatives. Healing the brokenness, sealing the shards that cut deeply, and relieving the wounds, are freedom from the past enabling the future to unfold with limitless possibility. Finding meaning in our lives is a healing step away, illuminating the SELF within and releasing it from captivity. Transforming and accessing the authentic self allows destiny to take flight, worthiness to shine, and healing to emerge.