Falling in love is a splendid, beautiful, and insurmountable feeling, but falling in love with your body is often deterred by the self-deprecating world of women.  Recognizing, analyzing, and comparing our precious body parts to magazine models and the magnitude of Hollywood mavens is unfair scrutiny. Airbrushed, makeup, hair styling, and obsessive lifestyles to create and maintain the smoothest, fittest, and healthiest-looking contours cannot constitute a fair comparison. By releasing ourselves from the fan fair, surrendering to reality, and reissuing perspectives on what defines beauty, the normal, natural body represents the ultimate physique. Imperative is feeling the love for your body, as is.

The vital basics, breathing, the internal organs, cognition, and the five senses, deserve to feel the love, but typically they function without thought, until something breaks down causing pause for resuscitation, sometimes literally, but mainly figuratively. Appreciating one’s bodily mechanics, walking, running, and functioning in the basic world is a gratitude worth feeling. Loving your body’s abilities through mindfulness requires noticing, attention, and acknowledging thankfulness for all these systems entail.

Beyond the vital internal physical and mental pieces of ourselves, the external, aesthetic, and visual body remains. From hair to face, arms to stomach, and legs to buttocks, we critique our physical traits, determine fine or foul. With careful consideration, we determine beauty or beast, ugly and ostracized, or stunning and celebrated. No matter the circumstance, the eye of the beholder assesses and determines self-beauty. Whether wanting to love or leave, our physical, exterior assets may be enhanced or destroyed by diet and fitness, or perhaps polished or refined by cosmetics, surgery, or elixirs promising to delay, decrease, or disperse the lines of time.

When we observe our image in the mirror, do we reflect with kind reaction, positive emotion, or loving response? Does our reflection empower or deflate our emotional strength? Joyful with our observation, containing pride and comfort within our skin, conjure the inner love correlated to an openhearted, happy existence. Without the love within and an acceptance, appreciation, and gratitude for the external parts, a void continues to plague our existence. This hole exacerbates self-deprecating inner thoughts that hurt our emotional well being.

The body to fall in love with is the one we embody, the God-given one, one sold to us as is. There is no trading up, down, or with others, only natural enhancements by personal treatment, whether good or bad.  Perhaps a fitness journey can unleash its flow, a healthy food lifestyle may unravel the broken down parts and fill the void, but mostly an internal voice must be heard that not only am I okay as I am, but beautiful beyond measure, perfect before any action required. No external transition can change who I am, and therefore, the love within existed all along. Finding this love is the essence of falling in love, completely in body, mind and spirit. Falling in love with your body is falling in love with your soul; they connect as one. You might as well take care of the body you’re with, as in “Love the one you’re with.” Gratitude and love for the one body  you receive is a gift not to be taken lightly, or weighed down. Fall in love with your body and soul; there are no returns. All bodies are souled as is.